Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Angel...

Out of Syllabus 10
Have you ever heard of the story about a boy who loved an angel? Well here it is…
This is a story about an ordinary boy with nothing extraordinary in him. He was just a common boy with nothing special about him. He just lived on his life, with a few countable friends. Well these few friends were the world for him. One specialty about him was that he didn’t like girls. He considered they were never the part of his life. He was upfront in anything against girls. He was arrogant, rude and had no feeling for girls. But he was happy for what he was. And life went on fine, until he saw the angel. Angel with diamond eyes, ruby lips, golden strands for hair, glowing skin and cutest of the smiles. An angel so beautiful that you feel her eyes pierces you. And it indeed did pierce his heart.  An angel so cute that you won’t take your eyes off her. Well she changed his life forever. Love, it seems mystical. It is a kind of addiction. It makes you fly without wings. He was indeed flying. Towards heaven. All he had in mind was to reach to her, to acquire her. He made desperate attempt to reach to her. And it was when he reached her, he understood a lot. Angels are messengers of God. They are not meant to be loved but to be heard and followed. She was just a messenger to him from God. Her role was to convey him that He was wrong in his ways. That he was going to be punished for his sins. By saying this, the angel flew away. To the unknown heaven he had dreamt to be along with her. He was left behind. To rot in hell. To be punished for his sins. Well life became tougher for him now. It was his downfall then. From the cheerful laughter with his friends to unknown tears flown in loneliness. But all through this, he never blamed the angel for his ill fate. Because whatever he felt towards the angel was “Without wax”...


  1. hari.. ur language n style of narration is nice,, akhil

  2. nice the essence of love..!!

  3. To anonymous... thanks... whoever you are :)

  4. i cud see only one face while reading the whole that is something really called "Without Wax.."....isnt it hari...

  5. @shini... well i dont have to reply to that :)

  6. Hariii...heard of praying mantis?

  7. @anonymous nope.. didnt hear checked wiki... but didnt feel like reading :) somthing biological

  8. its worth read..

  9. nice one......

  10. Hari, nice piece of work ... :).. it's got that wonderful flow of phrases... and like Shini said i too had a picture of someone in mind. :)

  11. @ anonymous... ya read.. praying mantis- a species, a chinese martial art, a band, an operation by US navy... which one u meant and what is its relevance here :)

  12. hari...:) this time class...??!!!!nice
    keep going..!!!!

  13. @basil what u meant by this time class.. class is there or not there... becoz last post also u told same :P

  14. nice attempt...i liked it, but felt the story ended abrupt,...well done and keep writing more...

  15. Well if all that happens were "without wax" then we dont need hell at all ...But I am in sympathy with the boy.He was as Shakespeare had described "innocent sleep" in Macbeth.Well since I mentioned Macbeth, I can add that Macbeth indeed is an example y v boys shud be "Beware" of girls...

  16. @preethiyechi... thnx... u felt an abrupt end rite... well thats what happened there... "AN ABRUPT END"!!!! :P, :)


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