Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My better half...

Out of Syllabus 11
Bangalore City! It was drizzling after a huge rain. I was walking through the lane which was too much crowded. Drizzle was tickling down my body. But I couldn’t feel it. I also didn’t know whether it was drizzle or my own tears which was flowing down. Even though it was crowded, I felt lonely, alienated. I couldn’t watch my steps. I was numb. Because, my better half is not there with me.
They say I am crazy and careless. Well in Malayalam there is a word called kazhappan (കഴപ്പന്‍) meaning ‘a person who always think WHO CARES’ and that’s what my friends call me. And I kind of like that! Well I add bad (mischief, rude, arrogant whatever you feel) too to that. As I told before certainly I am not good. Again as I told every coin must have 2 phases. So I started searching for my good phase. But I couldn’t find out what it was, until I met her! And when I met her I knew she was made as the good part of me. She was the exact opposite of me, studious, quiet, beautiful……it goes on! She was my BETTER HALF.
Time defines everything. It makes us meet some people who are not forgotten in the long journey towards destiny. Time is also a cruel thing, which also separates us from our dear ones. Interesting how it plays, also unpredictable. It also separated us! Here I am in the garden city of India, walking through the lanes, wandering everywhere searching my destiny and she, guess her status is GOD ONLY KNOWS. Even in the advanced world of technology where one could contact any other whenever one wishes, I feel I am miles away from her. I wished she was here, walking beside me, head in my shoulder, holding my hands, wiping my tears. But realization dawned on me. She is not there. My better half is blackened. It makes me sick and numb. It crumples me. It consumes myself. And tears flow down along with the drizzle…. But somewhere in the corner of my heart, a voice said- it is time to move on. To search a new better half. The voice grew louder and louder until it became unbearable. It was then I realized I was straying into the road and what I am hearing is not a voice but honking of horn!!!...


  1. da..da..
    appo itngane okkeyanu bangaloorile joli anweshanangal lle?... sari sari.. ;) akhil

  2. da..da..
    appo ingane okkeyanu bangalorile joli thendal lle...

    sari sari..

  3. @both... incase u didnt notice the heading....
    it is 'Out of Syllabus' :P


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